At any rate, your paranoia appears to have paid off and we can return to the matter at hand.
By now it should be clear that if we want to avoid CATASTROPHIC SOCIAL PREFERENCE CYCLES, we have a bit of work to do. We could add an extra person, whose preferences would break the cycle, or we could invent ever more complicated choice rules. Unless you are entirely repulsed by all other possible people, I recommend the former.
Up until now, I've been assuming that your preferences over restaurants are based on some arbitrary system such as "how much I like x type of food". This might not be the case! Perhaps you prefer restaurants based on their proximity to your home, office, or bunker. If that is so, we can represent the restaurants as points on a line, or points in some space. For the moment, let's consider points on a line. Suppose you and your friends live in a one street town (I have seen many of these, skeptics). The restaurants are arrayed as follows:
a b c
Now if you recall, 1 preferred a to b to c, 2 preferred b to c to a, and 3 preferred c to a to b. This was fine when we didn't give your preferences much structure. But if all you really care about is distance (and who wants to walk very far in the Rochester winter anyway), we can see that 3 is up to something fishy. In particular, there is no point on that line that 3 could occupy such that c is closer than a and a is closer than b. Shame on you, 3. Preferences consistent with this interpretation (i.e. distance from someone's "ideal point" is all that matters) are called single peaked. As it happens, unidimensional preference orders like this are much more resistant to cycles.
As an aside, political views and voting are often represented along a unidimensional spectrum where each end represents an ideological extreme. This is quite helpful to people who want to model voting behavior, as it lets us make some useful assumptions about how voters will act. I'm always happy to talk about political theory in detail (that is, after all, what I'm trained in), but for now I'll save those observations for another day. (Unless somebody asks. My threshold value is quite low, so it wouldn't take more than one request. Beware.)
ANYWAY. As you may have guessed, it isn't always sensible to collapse choices to one dimension. When we get into choice problems in multiple dimensions however, some undesirable results rear their ugly heads. I won't quote Plott or McKelvey's theorems, but suffice to say we would be in for a meeting with our old nemesis, cycles.
On that note, we'll return next time to our regularly scheduled game theory programming.